
ES6 Classes

class Customer {

    constructor(firstName, lastName) {
        this.firstName = firstName;
        this.lastName = lastName;
    getName() {
        return this.firstName;



Meanwhile class fields get supported, visibility rules are just based on a common naming convention where properties and methods get prefixed with the underscore character _ if they are private.

class Customer {

    constructor(firstName, lastName) {
        this.firstName = firstName;
        this.lastName = lastName; = null;
        this._isBadPayer = this._tellIfBadPayer();
    getName() {
        return this.firstName;
    _tellIfBadPayer() {
        return this.firstName === 'foo';



class Customer {

    constructor(firstName, lastName) {
        this.firstName = firstName;

    get firstName() {
        return this._firstName;
    set firstName(value) {
        this._firstName = value;

/* @HACK: Last time we use var, I promise! */
var customer = new Customer();

customer.firstName = 'Foo';

console.log(customer.firstName); // Foo

Avoid using properties.

Properties can become handy in some extreme cases like the integration of some legacy library, mock, implementing a runtime type checking decorator or something fancy like that etc...

Otherwise, properties will only introduce ambiguity.

Who would imagine that this code might trigger a runtime exception?

var customer = new Customer();
element.textContent =;

Or even worse, things might end up like this:

/* @HACK: Do not remove this useless line as it initializes
 * the user eagerly instead of running it lazily. */


This is inheritance:

export class WishtackProduct extends Product {


    getProductId() {
        return 'wishtack-' + this._wishtackId;


Now, avoid it...

... and prefer composition!

Best practices

Meanwhile we get the class fields in JavaScript, it is recommended to initialize all the attributes in the constructor. Otherwise, it's hard to figure out which attributes are available on a class. In addition to this, the available attributes will depend on the methods that have been called.

Last updated