The <form> tag

<form> tag attributes

The first step when implementing an HTML form is to add a form tag.


The form tag has three main attributes:

  • action: that describes the URL where the data should be sent when the form is submitted.

  • enctype: that specifies the encoding to use for sending data (application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data and text/plain).

  • method: that controls the HTTP method that will be used to send data to server.



Intercepting submit event

In most cases in a JavaScript application, the content shouldn't be sent directly over the network to the backend but it should be intercepted by the JavaScript on submission.

When the user submits the form (e.g.: presses enter or clicks on a <button type="submit"> inside the form), the form element triggers a submit event.

The JavaScript can be intercepted by adding an event listener and the default behavior (sending the form's data to the backend) disabled calling the preventDefault method on the event.

const form = document.querySelector('form');

form.addEventListener('submit', submitEvent => {

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