Unit-testing is not optional if you care about quality and your personal health.
Unit testing improves teams efficiency, applications quality and human lifespan.
Modularity is unit testing's best friend.
JavaScript Unit-Test Frameworks
describe('priceScrapper', () => {
let priceScrapper;
beforeEach(() => priceScrapper = new PriceScrapper());
it('should scrap prices without currency', () => {
coefficient: 1001,
currency: null,
exponent: -2
it('should scrap prices with currency', () => {
coefficient: 1001,
currency: 'USD',
exponent: -2
Jasmine spies are mocks.
describe('SearchEngine', () => {
it('should pass locale to third party api', () => {
/* Spying on `thirdPartySearchApi.search` and faking result. */
spyOn(thirdPartySearchApi, 'search').and.returnValue([
title: 'Wishtack - Making Your Wishes Come True',
url: 'https://www.wishtack.com'
/* Trigger search. */
searchEngine.search({keywords: 'Wishtack'});
/* Check spy's call count. */
/* Check spy's call args. */
country: 'US',
keywords: 'Wishtack',
language: 'en'